MacVoices #17228: Doug Adams and Kirk McElhearn Discuss Uploading and Streaming Music

Dec 29, 2017 | Audio/Music, iOS, iPhone, Software, Web

Kirk McElhearn, Doug Adams, Chuck Joiner

Doug Adams and Kirk McElhearn, the hosts of The Next Trackdiscuss Amazon’s decision to discontinue uploading of tracks to their music services, how that affects their appeal as a music service, and how the priorities of Amazon may differ from other music services. That leads to a conversation about how these two experts manage their music libraries, where streaming fits into the picture, and how music consumption has and continues to evolve.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Kirk McElhearn writes about Macs, iPods, iTunes, books, music and more. He is a regular contributor to TidBITS, as well as several other web sites and magazines. He is co-host of The Next Track and The Committed podcast. You can follow him on Twitter, and visit his personal web site, Kirkville.

Doug Adams is the operator of Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes, and has authored over 450 (and counting) AppleScripts to help you get more out of iTunes and your music. He is also co-hosts The Next Track, a podcast about how people listen to music today. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.