MacVoices #18213: Wally Cherwinski’s Guide to Video Creation, Video To Go

Oct 26, 2018 | Author, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Video | 0 comments

Chuck Joiner, Wally Cherwinski

Wally Cherwinski has authored a new book targeted at making video creation more approachable…and he has hit the mark! Video To Go is for anyone who wants to create engaging video, but doesn’t want to get mired down in technical details. While Wally provides some specific ideas about how to shoot, he also teaches you how to think about what your final product will look like, and what to shoot to get there. He discusses the use of cutaways, changing angles, looks, and why you no longer need expensive video gear to succeed.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Wally Cherwinski is a Videographer based in Ottawa, Canada. Originally trained as a scientist, he spent a portion of his career in research and teaching at the University of Cambridge, England while doubling as a freelance photographer and writer. Later, he joined Canada’s National Research Council and spent many years managing communications for the Canadian Space Program.

Starting with 16mm film, he has written and directed numerous documentaries and television features, including projects with Canada’s National Film Board. More recently, he has combined his passion for video with his love of travel.

Wally has been a Mac user since the original 128K in 1984 and his Apple “museum” includes 28 Macs (not to mention Newtons, iPods, iPhones & iPads). He has delivered video workshops at Macworld, at Macintosh User Groups in Canada and on three MacMania cruises. He also writes a regular video column in the ScreenCastsOnline monthly magazine. You can connect with him on Twitter, or view his Cirque du Mac videos (and others) on his YouTube channel.


Video To Go in Apple Books

Apple Books