The iPhone XR launch went smoothly and racked up good sales numbers, but many had already committed to the iPhone XS or XS Max. Not so Dave Hamilton of The Mac Obserever! Dave spent the weekend with the newest iPhone, and provides his thoughts on differentiating factors such as the camera, the screen, and the price. And colors! Let’s not forget about colors! Find out why Dave decided to take a different path, and whether he will stick with it.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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Dave Hamilton is co-host of The Mac Geek Gab, President and co-Founder of The Mac Observer, and co-Founder of BackBeat Media. You can also find him as a regular on The Mac Observer’s Daily Observations Podcast, and co-hosting both The Small Business Show and Gig Gab, and can follow him on Twitter.