MacVoices #21024: M1 Video Plug In Discussion with Jim Tierney of Digital Anarchy

Feb 4, 2021 | Developer, Hardware, Software, Video

Chuck Joiner, Jim Tierney

Our informal discussion with Jim Tierney of Digital Anarchy touched on a variety fo subjects that included what it takes to upgrade video plug-ins to support the M1 Macs and Metal, the performance they are seeing out of the upgrade, and  the issues of selling video plug-ins (or not) on the App Store. We also touch on the benefits and challenges of both editing and watching 8K video, and why upgrades present economic challenges for developers.  

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Show Notes:


Jim Tierney is a pioneer in the development of plugins for motion graphics, animation and video editing. During the 1990’s, Jim worked for software companies like MetaTools, Atomic Power and Cycore. He helped create graphics products like Bryce, Evolution and Final Effects. After working on After Effects plugins for six years, Jim thought it was finally time to get out there and do some of his own. So he did, and Digital Anarchy was born in 2001. Connect with them on Facebook and Twitter, and follow Jim himself on Twitter.


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