MacVoices #755 – Don McAllister on iTunes Store Video in Europe, the BBC and Apple Tech and UK Get a Mac Ads

Apr 3, 2007 | Audio/Music, EU Perspective, Training/Education, Video | 0 comments

Don MacAllisterOur European correspondent, Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline (SCO) checks back in to discuss the Apple TV announcement. Don talks about why the lack of video content in the iTunes Store is has even more of an impact in Europe. Don also discusses the BBC’s selection of Apple technologies over the competition for their on-demand service, Steve Jobs’ DRM letter and the opening of even more Apple Stores in his region. Don comments on the UK version of the Apple “Get a Mac” ads and compares them to their U.S. counterparts and whether head-to-head competitions are good for the Mac platform. Don also updates us on how podcasting is taking him to new places and what’s next for SCO.



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