MacVoices #761 – Dave Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software Discusses SuperDuper, The Backup Utility for Everyone

May 3, 2007 | Developer, Software

Shirt Pocket SoftwareDave Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software joins us to talk about one of our favorite backup utilities, SuperDuper. The deceptively simple interface of SuperDuper hides a remarkable amount of power and sophistication. Dave explains why this makes SuperDuper an extremely approachable backup solution that can meet almost anyone’s needs, and why it lives up to the billing of “Heroic System Recovery for Mere Mortals.” The higher standard of reliability for backup programs, the many features of SuperDuper and the importance of your hardware choices for backups are all covered in an interesting interview that will make you want to run out and create a backup strategy to protect yourself.
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