MacVoices #762 – Gordon Bell of Prosoft Engineering Discusses the Launch of JoeSoft

May 8, 2007 | Developer, Software | 0 comments

Gordon BellGordon Bell, the General Manager for Prosoft Engineering talks about the launch of the new JoeSoft line of products and the part it will play in the evolution of the company. With a slate of three new announced products, Gordon explains how one bridges the gap between the solid reputation of the utility company while the other two help establish the reputation of JoeSoft as delivering cool new products. The usefulness of the new Klix picture recovery software, the uniqueness of the soon-to-be-released Jax iTunes enhancement software , and what Pix will bring to the digital picture market are all covered, along with Prosoft’s deeply held values of customer support. Gordon even gives us a sneak peak at two unannounced new products to round out a look at what we can expect in the coming months.

MacVoices at Expo: Greg Brewer of Prosoft Engineering On Data Backup 3 and Jax