MacVoices #774 – Tim Westergren of Pandora Discusses the Looming Deadline for Internet Radio and How You Can Help

Jun 20, 2007 | Audio/Music, Business, Web | 0 comments

Tim Westergren
Pandora founder Tim Westergren is back to talk about the dark cloud that looms on the horizon for not only his online music service, but for a large percentage of internet radio. Tim outlines how the proposed change in royalty structure, could put many music services, internet radio and possibly even Pandora, out of business. All is not lost, however. As part of, Tim explains how you can make a difference with just a phone call, email, fax or letter to your Senators and Representatives to support The Internet Radio Equality Act. Tim also gives us a quick update on the recent improvements that Pandora has made that let you listen on your cell phone or at home away from the computer. If you enjoy Pandora or any internet radio station, you need to listen to this edition of MacVoices and act.

Links: – How To Contact Your Senator and Representative Link Kit – banners, PSA’s, etc.

Pandora on the Go

Pandora in the Home

MacVoices #517: Pandora Founder Tim Westergren Discusses His Streaming Music Service

MacVoices #744 – MacVoices at Expo featuring Pandora: Pandora Founder Tim Westergren on the State of Pandora and the Future

MacVoices #746 – MacVoices at Expo featuring Pandora: Tom Conrad Looks “Under the Hood” of Pandora

MacVoices #748 – MacVoices at Expo featuring Pandora: Kevin Seal Discusses Music Analysis and the Pandora Podcast