MacVoices #871: Steve Sande Updates His Control of iWeb ’08

Mar 24, 2008 | Author, Software, Take Control, Web

Steve SandeSteve Sande, has updated his Take Control of iWeb: iLife ’08 Edition, and is anxious to talk about the improvements to the feature set of Apple’s web publishing utility. Steve discusses how iWeb is often unfairly viewed as an underpowered web authoring solution, and how the new edition addresses some of those perceptions. With better integration with all the iLife ’08 tools, especially iPhoto ’08, and better blogging options, Steve talks about how iWeb has moved firmly into the realm of mid-level web publishing for consumers and beyond. Steve covers how Apple successfully addressed two of the biggest weaknesses of the prior version, some updates he would like to see in the next version, and more.
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Take Control of iWeb: iLife '08 Edition
