MacVoices #922: Macworld Expo – Matias’ Carlos Gouveia Shows Off Their Folding Keyboard, Tune Blocker and More

Jan 24, 2009 | Developer, Events, Hardware, iPhone, iPod, Macworld Expo

From the show floor at Macworld Expo, Carlos Gouveia of Matias shows off their Bluetooth Folding Keyboard, suitable for people on the go who want a full-size keyboard option, the Tune Blocker, a simple iPod/iPhone docking cable that lets you select whether you sync or only charge your device, and the iRizer, a different kind of adjustable MacBook stand.

The video version of this interview is available on MacVoicesTV #923.
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MacVoices at Macworld Expo 2009 Photo Set on Flickr

Dr. Bott

Matias Bluetooth Folding Keyboard

Matias Tune Blocker

Matias iRizer