We caught up with Photoshop master Deke McClelland in the lynda.com booth at Macworld Expo to talk about his newest book, Photoshop CS4 Channels & Masks One-on-One, his thoughts on third-party Photoshop utilities, the rate of adoption of Adobe Creative Suite 4, and what we can expect to see from him in the coming year. (Hint: It certainly isn’t less.)
The video version of this interview is available as MacVoicesTV #928.
Audio Player
MacVoices at Macworld Expo 2009 Photo Set on Flickr
Deke’s training videos at lynda.com
7-Day Free Trial of lynda.com courtesy of Deke
“Photoshop CS4 Channels & Masks One-on-One”
“Photoshop CS4 Channels & Masks One-on-One”
“Adobe Illustrator CS4 One-on-One”