How Apple Thinks About Photos

Sep 27, 2024

Derrick Story’s The Digital Story Photography Podcast is one way I both stay up-to-date on photography news and tips (in spite of the fact that I am far from an accomplished photographer), as well as getting Derrick’s take on the state of digital photography.

His 2024-09-24 edition, titled We Think a Picture Should Be of Something That Actually Happened, is a must-listen if you want to understand how Apple’s photography philosophy differs from those of its competitors. You might be like me who, prior to listening to this, thought a picture is a picture is a picture. There are surprising differences in how digital photography at the phone manufacturer level has and will continue to evolve, especially as AI continues to advance.

This may or may not matter to you as a causal picture-taker, or it may matter a great deal if you rely on the contents photos to be accurate. Give it a listen, be informed, and then make your own decisions.