On the show floor at NAB 2014, Byba Sepitkova, Artist Relations Manager for Pond5, talks about their ever-expanding collection of stock video, photos, music, sound effects, After Effects and 3D models. Pond5 has a different model for media creators, allowing them to...
MacVoices #14127: NAB – NewBlueFX Delivers New Time-Saving Titling Software
At NAB 2014 in Las Vegas, Travis White of NewBlueFX gives us a preview of their upcoming Titler 3, a titling plug-in for your favorite non-linear editor (including Final Cut X) that lets you not only create stunning titling effects, but also improves management of...
MacVoices #14126: NAB – ReplayXD Delivers High Performance, Small Action Cameras
In Las Vegas at NAB 2014, Adam Levi of ReplayXD, a line of high performance action cameras that can go just about anywhere without a lot of costly accessories, deliver 1080p performance, and take just about any punishment you can dish out. Adam covers their origins...
MacVoices #14125: NAB – Red Giant Starts A Community Based On Their Video Plugins
At NAB 2014 in Las Vegas, Sean Safreed, Co-Founder of Red Giant Software, explains why they are starting a community, Red Giant Universe, around their video plug-ins. Featuring a free option, free plugins and the opportunity to provide feedback directly to the people...
MacVoices #14120: NAB – SOLOSHOT’s Robotic Camera Tracks Your Every Move
On the show floor at NAB in Las Vegas, Sean Hibbs, the Brand Manager for SOLOSHOT, talks about the capabilities of their robotic camera. SOLOSHOT tracks the small transmitter that you can wear as an armband while participating in all sorts of sports or other...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #14110: Macworld – Vanatoo’s Transparent One Speakers Do Analog, Digital and Wireless
In spite of a live band performance on the Second Stage at Macworld/iWorld 2014, we talked to Rick Kernen, the CEO of Vanatoo, about their Vanatoo Transparent One speakers, an audiophile speaker with the unusual features of both direct and wireless connections. Rick...
MacVoices #14109: Macworld – Micromat Returns to Macworld with TechTool Pro 7
After a long absence, Micromat returned to Macworld/iWorld 2014 with TechTool Pro 7, the latest iteration of their hard drive health and repair utility. Christian Pickman covers about the new features, gives us a tour of all the Micromat products, and talks about his...
MacVoices #14108: Macworld – Trunx Organizes Your Photos Across Your Devices and Social Networks
Photos, photos everywhere…so many places you can't always find them. At Macworld/iWorld 2014, Sandra Ponce de Leon of Trunx explains how their app and service consolidate photos from everywhere, online and off, and store them in their cloud service. That's just the...
MacVoices #14107: Macworld – Blue Microphones Introduces Lightning Versions of the Mikey and the Spark
Need a good mic? Blue Microphones has you covered. In their booth at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Hillary Money gave us a look at their coming update to the Mikey that will support the lighting connector, and take portable recording with your iPhone and iPad to a new level....
MacVoices #14106: Macworld – ZenDay Combines Your Tasks and Calendar To Make You More Efficient
Productivity had a big presence at Macworld/iWorld 2014, and ZenDay was part of that trend. Richard Phan, co-founder and CEO of ZenDay explains how their app works by combining your things-to-do list with the empty spaces in your calendar to help you assure that...
MacVoices #14105: Macworld – DriveSavers Can Save The Day When Disaster Strikes
At Macworld/iWorld 2014, John Christopher updates us on the services of DriveSavers, the folks you want to call when things go horribly wrong with your storage device. John discusses not only hard drive recovery, but also iPhone, iPad and even camera card recover,...
MacVoices #14104: Macworld – olloclip Expands Their Line of iPhone and Soon, iPad Lenses
Your iPhone has a great camera, but it gets better with the olloclip series of lenses. From the show floor at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Patrick O'Neil, the creator and founder of olloclip takes us through their expanding product line of specialty lenses for the iPhone 4...
MacVoices #14103: Macworld – Neil Ticktin On How The MacTech Conferences Are Addressing Office for iPad
At Macworld/iWorld 2014, Neil Ticktin of MacTech gave us an update on their series of technical conferences, how they are updating the content to address the release of Microsoft Office for iPad and the associated certifications. Designed to get the support...
MacVoices #14102: Macworld – The iMacompanion Brings Your iMac’s USB Port to the Front
From the show floor at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Nathalie De Clercq of Whiplabs shows us their iMacompanion, an already-fully-funded Kickstarter project that brings the USB port fron the back of your iMac to the front in a simple fashion that features utility and an...
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