At Macworld/iWorld 2014, Neil Ticktin of MacTech gave us an update on their series of technical conferences, how they are updating the content to address the release of Microsoft Office for iPad and the associated certifications. Designed to get the support...
MacVoices #14102: Macworld – The iMacompanion Brings Your iMac’s USB Port to the Front
From the show floor at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Nathalie De Clercq of Whiplabs shows us their iMacompanion, an already-fully-funded Kickstarter project that brings the USB port fron the back of your iMac to the front in a simple fashion that features utility and an...
MacVoices #14101: Macworld – Rogue Amoeba Shows The Fission 2 Audio Utility
In our semi-annual visit with Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba at Macworld/iWorld 2014, we get to see the features of their newest offering, Fission 2, a fast, sleek audio editor that doesn't get in the way of what you're trying to do. Paul takes us through the new...
MacVoices #14100: Macworld – FLIR Introduces Personal Thermal Imaging For The iPhone
Thermal imaging was a hot topic at Macworld/iWorld 2014, especially since the FLIR One, a personal thermal imaging camera for the iPhone, won a "Macworld Best of Show." James McGowan of FLIR explains what thermal imaging is, and why you would want it. Not just a tech...
MacVoices #14099: Macworld – Flixel Creates Compelling, Unique Moving Photos
The photos on display in the Flixel booth at Macworld/iWorld 2014 were getting lots of attention...because parts of them were moving. But only parts. Mark Pavlidis, the Co-Founder and Vice President of Technology for the company explained how it works and showed us...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #14073: Macworld – Whoosh3D Puts 3D on your iPhone
At Macworld/iWorld 2014, Simon Gemayel of Whoosh3D gives us a 2D look at their case and screen film that can deliver real 3D on your iPhone or even on printed paper. Take Control Books: The Answers You...
MacVoices #14072: Road to Macworld – Jim Sherhart of Connected Data Introduces The New Transporter Developer Program
The Road to Macworld comes to an end with a stop to talk to Jim Sherhard of Connected Data, who announces a new Developer Program for the Transporter, their affordable private cloud device. So why is that exciting? Because developers can now build Transporter support...
MacVoices #14071: Road to Macworld – Geoff Barrall Talks About The Brand New Drobo
The Road to Macworld takes a road trip to Drobo headquarters in San Jose, where CEO Geoff Barrall introduces us to the newest member of the Drobo family. The most affordable Drobo ever joins the party just as more people are creating more content and need something...
MacVoices Update: March 2014 and Macworld/iWorld 2014
A quick update to provide you with all the information on where to find me at Macworld/iWorld 2014 so we can meet. Those scheduled appearances include: Drobo Booth #424 - Interview with Geoff Barrall, Thursday, March 27 at 5 PM I'm really looking forward to this....
MacVoices #14070: Road to Macworld – David Sparks On His Wide Variety of Show Sessions
The Road to Macworld is crowded with sessions and appearances by David Sparks. He teases us with a few, refuses to give away others, and talks about why Macworld/iWorld is better than ever before. From the Power User Workflows session with Katie Floyd to a session on...
MacVoices #14069: Road to Macworld – Chuck La Tournous Talks High Tech in the Great Outdoors
The Road to Macworld takes us from the forest to the mountaintop when we talk to Chuck La Tournous about his Tech vs. Wild: Surviving Your Next Campout (and Other Natural Disasters) with High Tech Gear session. Chuck will talk about some of the gear that you can...
MacVoices #14068: Road to Macworld – Jean MacDonald Takes App Camp For Girls to the Next Level
The Road to Macworld isn't just about adults. Jean MacDonald, the newly minted Executive Director for App Camp For Girls, talks about the App Camp for Girls Open House at the show and why, even though it is on the conference track, it is open to all attendees. While...
MacVoices #14067: Road to Macworld: Bryan Chaffin Goes All In With Two Sessions On Bitcoin
Bryan Chaffin is up next on The Road to Macworld, and will be taking on a very timely, controversial subject: Bitcoin. Brian's first session, Managing and Mining Bitcoins with Your Mac, will focus on getting into Bitcoin - how to mine (create) them, the hardware...
MacVoices #14066: Road to Macworld – Jeff Gamet Gets Fit and Wears Tech To Do It (And More)
What would The Road to Macworld be without a conversation with Jeff Gamet? Boring, that's what. Jeff has two sessions at the show this year, Wearable Tech: What's Hot, What's Not and Fitness Tech: Getting Healthy with Your Mac and iPhone…sessions that are...
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