MacVoices Episodes
MacVoices #24277: Live! – Tidal & Dropbox Layoffs, and Why Apple Bought Pixelmator

MacVoices #24277: Live! – Tidal & Dropbox Layoffs, and Why Apple Bought Pixelmator

The tech industry is a dynamic business segment. Dave Ginsburg, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, Marty Jencius, Web Bixby, Jim Rea, and Eric Bolden discuss Apple’s acquisition of Pixelmator and how it might affect both Apple-branded offerings as well as the legacy application. Then, layoffs at both Tidal and Dropbox are in the cross hairs. Tidal has been all but left out of the streaming music conversation, and Dropbox seems to have fumbled as they tried to diversify. The panel members have thoughts on both. 

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MacVoices #24265: Live! – Adobe vs. Procreate, Sonos, Locked iPhones, and More

MacVoices #24265: Live! – Adobe vs. Procreate, Sonos, Locked iPhones, and More

The MacVoices panel discusses the changes Adobe made to Fresco, apparently to go after the tablet drawing app market that Procreate dominates. How do the two compare, and how with their respective business models fare? Chuck Joiner, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, David Ginsburg, Ben Roethig, Marty Jencius, Eric Bolden, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, and Web Bixby have thoughts before they report on Sonos’ improvements, and laugh their way through the cell carriers’ assertion that locking phones is good for you.

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MacVoices #24172: MVL – Adobe’s Misfires, Recall Recalled, and Tile Hacked

MacVoices #24172: MVL – Adobe’s Misfires, Recall Recalled, and Tile Hacked

Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Ben Roethig, Eric Bolden, Marty Jencius, Mark Fuccio, Jeff Gamet, Jim Rea, Web Bixby, and Brian Flanigan-Arthurs have thoughts on the controversies surrounding Adobe, including user ownership issues and legal actions over subscription practices. Panel members comment on personal experiences with Adobe service pricing and subscription confusion. The discussion turns to privacy-related news, including Sonos’ recent change in terms of service, Microsoft’s decision to pause a contentious feature, and a hack on tracker maker Tile.

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