Christopher Breen is back to follow up on a previous conversation about the nature of creativity and why we can all consider ourselves creative by the right measurement. From rebuilding his piano and the difference between physical and digital instruments to his...
MacVoices #15197: Christopher Breen on Creating Podcast Music and MacNotables’ 10th
Christopher Breen is back to talk about his career (he has three at the moment) as a podcast music producer, and to celebrate MacNotables 10th anniversary. Chris explains how he approaches each project to create sometimes complimentary, sometimes contrasting feelings...
MacVoices #15068: Ted Landau on Apple’s Media Event, an Apple Car and His Ring Doorbell
Ted Landau is back to provide his thoughts on Apple's March 9 event which will introduce the Apple Watch (we think). Will there be anything else? Ted tells you why or why not, talks about Christopher Breen's move away from Macworld and how it is affecting him,...
MacVoices #15063: The Next Step for Christopher Breen
Christopher Breen discusses the changes he's making in his life, which include leaving Macworld behind and taking a position at an “unidentified tech company headquartered in Cupertino.†Chris talks about what this will and won't mean to his social media...
MacVoices #14202: Christopher Breen on Macworld Changes, The State of Publishing, and Snark
Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen checks in on some of the changes at Macworld magazine, how they are affecting him, and how they will impact what you read going forward. Those changes are not unique to Macworld; Chris and host Chuck Joiner cover the...
Older Episodes
The Unofficial Cirque Du Mac XI Bootleg (REMASTER!)
The Cirque du Mac XI party was one of the highlights Macworld/iWorld 2014 in San Francisco. Enjoy the night and the music of The Macworld All-Star Band starring (in alphabetical order) Christopher Breen, Bryan Chaffin, Dave Hamilton, Paul Kent, Chuck La...
The Unofficial Cirque Du Mac XI Bootleg
The Cirque du Mac XI party was one of the highlights Macworld/iWorld 2014 in San Francisco. Enjoy the night and the music of The Macworld All-Star Band starring (in alphabetical order) Christopher Breen, Bryan Chaffin, Dave Hamilton, Paul Kent, Chuck La Tournous, Bob...
MacVoices #14064: Road to Macworld – Christopher Breen on the iPad for Business, Mac 911 and Robyn Miller
The Road to Macworld is all about the conferences, but it's all about all the rest of the show too. Christopher Breen is going to be more than busy at the show. Among his projects and appearances are The iPad for Business, a day-long workshop, Mac 911: Tips, Tricks,...
MacVoices #13206: Christopher Breen On Music Curation, Music Streaming and Music Listening
Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen goes with us on a deep dive into the subject of music. The discussion starts with music curation - automatic with Pandora, more human-based with iTunes Radio. Chris explains why he feels one is, at least for now, superior to...
MacVoices #13172: Chris Breen’s Hobby, Lawmakers’ Tech Knowledge and the New Mac Pro
Macworld Senior Editor Chris Breen comes clean about one of his hobbies, our (not just his) frustration with lawmakers' technology savvy, and what he wants out of the next iterations of the Mac OS and iOS. Chris talks about his favorite new software and why we need to...
MacVoices #1398: Christopher Breen on His Changing Social Media Presences, Mac 101 and Apple Fanboyism
Christopher Breen joins us to talk about a wide variety of topics, starting with some changes he is making to his social media presences. Chris explains why snark will be out on Twitter, why he is making the change, and how his online personas differ on Twitter and...
MacVoices #1271: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Parenting in the Mobile Internet Age
At Macworld | iWorld 2012, a distinguished panel of tech-oriented parents host Chuck Joiner to discuss the challenges of parenting brought on by the ever-changing world of technology. Not long ago, the problem was addressed by limiting time on the family computer....
MacVoices #1212: Road to Macworld – The Macworld Live Stage Schedule at Macworld | iWorld and More from Christopher Breen
The Road to Macworld | iWorld 2012 makes a MacNotables stop for a conversation with Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen, who is once again coordinating the speakers and activities on the Macworld Live Stage on the exhibit hall floor. Chris discusses who will be...
MacVoices #1117: Macworld 2011 – Parenting in the Age of the Internet
On the Macworld Live stage at Macworld 2011, a panel of Mac technologists discuss the challenges of raising children in a connected world that is constantly changing. Social media use, gaming, cell phone use,texting, balancing tech with real world activities, and how...
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