Jeff Carlson has updated Take Control of Your Digital Photos, a topic that continues to evolve as the devices are updated and the players change. Jeff covers sharing vs. backups, what his pick is for the best photo editing app, and the issue of machine learning when...
MacVoices #18158: MacVoices Live – A FAQ/AMA Session
Chuck held a Facebook live to answer some frequently asked questions about MacVoices so he doesn’t have to keep answering them (at least in theory), and attempted to answer audience questions. This...
MacVoices #18125: MacVoices Update – 2018-06
In the June 2018 MacVoices Update, Chuck starts off with a comment on Apple’s stock price, then moves on to a reminder about WWDC/Altconf coverage, plans for two upcoming MacVoices Live events, a summary page of appearances on other shows, requests for feedback on...
MacVoices #18082: Update – April 2018
The April 2018 MacVoices update shares some ideas from listeners/viewers, introduces the sharing of feedback, an update on our Facebook Live efforts, some Facebook commentary, and the monthly Patreon updates. [audio...
MacVoices #18079: David Ginsburg On Real-Life Deployment and Use of Jamf Software
David Ginsburg was recently part of the deployment of Jamf Software to manage a fleet of mobile devices, and talks about what it is really like accomplish a large-scale implementation in a MacVoices' Facebook Live session. From selecting the right version of the...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #18072: Mark Fuccio on iPhone Sales, Spotify and Apple Music Subscriptions, and Dropbox
Mark Fuccio likes to dig into the facts behind the tech headlines, and joins us for our first Facebook Live show. Mark reveals his thoughts about the sales of iPhone iPhone X, what Spotify’s financials say about the long-term viability of the music streaming service,...
MacVoices #17112: NAB – BumeBox Curates Your Facebook Live Comments For Later Review
At NAB in Las Vegas, Kacey Anderson, the Director of Business Development and Communications for BumeBox, their software that curates, archives, filters and searches Facebook Live comments for both live as well as post-production use. Kacey provides some examples of...
MacVoices #16193: Nick Mattingly Introduces Switcher Studio’s New Switcher Go
Switcher Studio continues to advance the cause of iOS video streaming with the release of their new Switcher Go. Nick Mattingly, the CEO and co-founder of Switcher Studio, is back to talk about how their new iOS app makes it even easier to broadcast to YouTube Live...
MacVoices #16144: Nick Mattingly Announces Switcher Studio Integration with Facebook Live
Nick Mattingly of Switcher Studio takes some time out from VidCon to tell us about their new integration with Facebook Live. With their latest version, Facebook Live is integrated into Switcher Studio, making it simple to broadcast what is important to you to your...
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