In the new edition of Take Control of Apple TV, Josh Centers addresses the surprising topic of whether you need Apple’s set-top box to enjoy the benefits of what it offers. Josh talks about the proliferation and quality of the Apple TV app on smart TVs and other...
MacVoices #20092: Glenn Fleishman Takes Control of Home Security Cameras
Glenn Fleishman has a brand new book, Take Control of Home Security Cameras, which goes way behind just buying one and connecting it. Glenn joins us to discuss the origin of the book, some of the factors you need to consider when selecting a camera, and what you can...
MacVoices #20087: Paul Kafasis On Combining (Or Not) Mac and iOS App Licensing
Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba helps us examine the subject of combining licenses for iOS and Mac apps. The development of Mac apps through Catalyst isn’t quite as easy as Apple made out, especially if a developer wants to optimize for the Mac platform. Paul discusses...
MacVoices #20085: Mike Schmitz Teaches You Mind Mapping
Mike Schmitz' new course for The Sweet Setup helps organize and develop your ideas and projects. Mastering Mind Maps teaches you how to capture your ideas in a mind map, and then turn them into actionable projects. Mike explains how the course is structured, why it is...
MacVoices #20084: David Ginsburg on His CES Freshman Year and Mac/iOS App Combination Purchasing
David Ginsburg of In Touch With iOS made his first trip to CES this year, and joins us to talk about his experiences, how his expectations lined up with reality, and whether he will be headed back next year. He also comments on the impact iOS 13 and iPhones 11 are...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #19247: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Automating Your Mac
Take Control boss Joe Kissell has just updated Take Control of Automating Your Mac to edition 3, to reflect the constantly changing macOS landscape. Joe discusses some of those changes before covering how he makes you comfortable with automation concepts. Then, he...
MacVoices #19242: MacVoices Holiday Gift Guide #1
? The first of the MacVoices Holiday Gift Guide shows got of to a great start, with what has to be a record number of “steals” by the panel of host Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Mark Fuccio, and Kelly Guimont. And this was just the first show! Gift ideas ranged from...
MacVoices #19241: Five Questions with Mike Potter (and the Macstock Cyber Monday Sale!)
We are always talking to Mike Potter about his role as the organizer of Macstock Conference and Expo, and we wanted to change that. Mike provides the details of the Macstock Cyber Monday Sale before submitting to five questions about the tools he uses to organize the...
MacVoices #1012: The Road to Macworld – John Welch Discusses Five IT-Related Sessions and the Value That Macworld Provides to Pros
The Road to Macworld 2010 leads us to IT expert John Welch, who will be busy in San Francisco participating or leading five different conference sessions, including a two-day Power Tools session. John is a member of Macworld's IT advisory team, and talks about what...
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