Joe Kissell is back for his first appearance of 2018, and talks about new editions of two of his books that are important to anyone who uses a computer or online device of any kind. In Take Control of Your Passwords, Joe updates his advice on making your passwords as...
MacVoices #17227: Joe Kissell Releases Four Take Control Titles Updated for High Sierra
Joe Kissell is ending 2017 with a bang, bringing four book titles back to Take Control, and updating them for High Sierra in the process. Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac, Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac, Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac, and Take...
MacVoices #17202: Neil Ticktin Profiles The 2017 MacTech Conference
Neil Ticktin is back to give us a preview of the speakers, events, and activities that will make this year’s MacTech Conference something special. With an all-star line up of tech experts and a far-reaching set of topics, the MacTech Conference’s focus goes way beyond...
MacVoices #17199: Joe Kissell Takes Control of iCloud for the Sixth Time
Joe Kissell has completed the 6th edition of Take Control of iCloud, a status no other Take Control book has achieved. Joe tells us why the extra effort was worth it, since iCloud continues to evolve and be very important to the Apple ecosystem. From health data to...
MacVoices #17183: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Upgrading to High Sierra
Joe Kissell talks about why you should and shouldn’t buy his latest book, Take Control of Upgrading to High Sierra. The process should be easy, but as with all OS upgrades, there are a few pitfalls that could bite if you’re not careful. Joe discusses a few of those...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #15119: Joe Kissell Takes Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal
Joe Kissell is back with the book that so many have been waiting for: his second edition of Take Control of The Mac Command Line with Terminal. Now current with Yosemite, the book takes you into the Terminal, where text-only commands are typed out to do powerful...
MacVoices #15076: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Automating Your Mac Again
Joe Kissell is back with an update to Take Control of Automating Your Mac, bringing the book to v1.1, and providing more information on getting things done faster, easier, and automatically. From the ease of an application launcher to the power of Keyboard Maestro to...
MacVoices #15060: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Dropbox, Security for Mac Users and More
To make his first appearance on MacVoices for 2015 something special, Joe Kissell talks about three different updated and new Take Control books, including the updated Take Control of Dropbox and Take Control of File Vault, as well as his latest, Take Control of...
MacVoices #14232: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Apple Mail Again
Joe Kissell gets one final book in before the holiday season. In the new, second edition of Take Control of Apple Mail, Jim not only updates information for Apple Mail on the Mac under Yosemite, but for iOS 8 as well. Mail changed and improved under both new...
MacVoices #14224: The MacJury’s Holiday Gift Guide #2
The MacJury's second holiday gift guide panel did their best to one-up their predecessors. Did they do it? From wearable gear to the Internet of Things, audio equipment to home security and more, we have another great set of unusual and sometimes off-beat gift ideas...
MacVoices #14221: Joe Kissell Takes Control of iCloud for the Third Time
Joe Kissell has a brand new edition of Take Control of iCloud out, his third, and joins us to talk about some of the changes to iCloud that came with Yosemite and iOS 8. There is still a bit of frustration that can be involved with using iCloud, and Joe shares his...
MacVoices #14210: Joe Kissell Explains Digital Sharing for Apple Users
Joe Kissell has a unique new offering this time around: Digital Sharing for Apple Users: A Take Control Crash Course helps the Apple technology-centric individual share all sorts of things. Because “sharingâ€can mean many different things in different contexts,...
MacVoices #14208: Joe Kissell Updates Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite to v1.1
Now that Yosemite is out, Joe Kissell has filed an update to his Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite, moving it to v1.1. This version covering the actual upgrade process as well as getting ready for the upgrade, something covered in v1.0, including some things to...
MacVoices #14193: The MacJury Now Can Now Tell You More About iPhone 6, Apple Pay and Apple Watch
As the smoke clears from Apple's announcements at the Flint Center, The MacJury discusses the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Apple Pay and Apple Watch. Is this what we were waiting for? What will it mean to what devices you carry and/or wear, what you do with them and how...
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