From BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Jenna Langer, Director of Strategy for Livefyre explains how Livefyre replaces your site's commenting options with a fully-featured, real-time system that includes the ability to pull social media conversations into your blog, sharing...
MacVoicesTV #1188: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – Allison Sheridan Discusses Accessibility for New Media Authors
From a corner of BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast discussed her interest in making all forms of media content accessible to those with physical challenges. Allison provides some tips to make some simple tips for bloggers and podcasters,...
MacVoicesTV #1189: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – Viddy Lets iPhone Video Shooters Get Creative
One of the most popular booths at BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011 was Viddy. Chris Ovitz, Chief Evangelist and SVP Business Development, introduces their iPhone app and service, talks about how it helps upgrade and share the videos you shoot, and how you will soon be able...
MacVoicesTV #1186: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – WeVideo Enables Collaborative Video Editing in the Cloud
From BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Jostein Svendsen, Chief Executive Officer for WeVideo, explains how their service puts your raw video files in the cloud, and then lets you and others edit them in a collaborative environment. The system takes advantage of server power...
MacVoicesTV #1190: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – MeetingBurner Will Offer Low Cost, Full Featured Virtual Meetings
At BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Chris Van Dusen, Chief Marketing Office for MeetingBurner, talks about the features that differentiate their online meeting/webinar/conference service from the competition. This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by... Links Subscribe...
Older Episodes
MacVoicesTV #1185: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – VoiceBase Makes Your Audio and Video Content Keyword Searchable
On the show floor at BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Jay Blazensky, Vice President of Development for VoiceBase, provides a demonstration of how their service analyzes, keywords and even transcribes audio audio content, whether standalone or in video. Find out how...
MacVoicesTV #1183: BlogWorld L.A. 2011 – Pond5 Delivers Stock Media Affordably and Directly
At BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011, Chris Hwang, Business Developent & Operations for Pond5, profiles their affordable collection of stock media, including photos, video, sound effects, music, After Effects, photos and illustrations. Differentiating themselves to both...
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