Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus continues his discussion of being productive while working from home with an update on the training he provides at Working Smarter For Mac Users, some of the things that he is doing for himself, and two surprising pieces of gear that he uses to...
MacVoices #20105: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus’ Productivity Tips For Working At Home (Part 1)
Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus has spent most of his career working from home, so what is new to many us is his normal. Bob tells us some of the challenges he faced early on, how he overcame them, and how he can help you overcome yours. He also covers some recommended...
MacVoices #20083: Adam Engst on Smart Assistants, The Effect of Advertising, and Issue #1,500 of TidBITS
Adam Engst discusses the state of iOS 13, iPadOS 13 and Catalina, why our smart assistants aren’t smart enough (yet), and why he is so steamed up about your data being sold. From Netflix to subscriptions, paragliding to printing address labels, and after 1,500 issues...
MacVoices #18153: WWDC/AltConf – Rogue Amoeba’s Paul Kafasis on WWDC’s Mac Announcements
In San Jose at AltConf, the CES for Rogue Amoeba, Paul Kafasis, provides us with his thoughts on Dark Mode, the amount of time given to the Mac at Apple’s keynote, and the announcements from the consumer vs. developer viewpoints. WWDC has evolved into more than a...
MacVoices #17181: Jeff Butts of The Mac Observer Details His Hackintosh Adventures
Jeff Butts of The Mac Observer is back to share the details of building a Hackintosh, something many of us think about but never do. He discusses his practical motivation for taking on the project, why he names his computers, and how and why he picks his hardware...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #14039: Neil Ticktin Profiles This Year’s MacTech Boot Camps
Neil Ticktin is back to talk about this year's schedule of MacTech Boot Camps, their topics, and why they are yet another extension of the Mac community. Designed for consultants and support techs, the 2014 version of the Boot Camps will feature discussions on Apple...
MacVoices #14038: Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitus on the Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, Smart Watches, and More
Bob “Dr. Mac†LeVitus discusses his experiences at the 30th Anniversary Celebration for the Macintosh…the Macworld All-Star Band, the speakers, the panels, and even the guests. Didn't make it to the show? Bob explains why you may still be able to see it. Bob...
MacVoices #14037: Ted Landau on 30 Years of the Mac, The iPod’s Future and Apple TV’s Promotion
Ted Landau has been around the Macintosh from the beginning, and shares some perspective on how it has impacted both his life and the world of personal computing. Ted also provides some insight into the iPod's future, the apparent promotion of the Apple TV to a...
MacVoices #13190: Mike Muhney Helps You Make Connections with VIPorbit
To call VIPorbit a contact manager is a bit of an over-simplification. Mike Muhney, the CEO and co-founder of VIPorbit, explains why, after he created ACT!, the Windows-standard for customer relationship management, he moved on to the Apple platforms to build a system...
MacVoices #1125: Macworld 2011 – Dragon Dictate Lets You Talk to Your Mac…and It Talks Back
At Macworld 2011 in the Nuance booth, Peter Mahoney, Senior Vice President & General Manager, covers their place in the Mac market, both on the Mac with Dragon Dictate and on the iPhone with the free apps, Dragon Dication and Dragon Search. Now you can have a...
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