At Macworld | iWorld 2012, a distinguished panel of tech-oriented parents host Chuck Joiner to discuss the challenges of parenting brought on by the ever-changing world of technology. Not long ago, the problem was addressed by limiting time on the family computer....

MacVoices #1269: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Art Authority Makes Art More Accessible Than Ever
A must-see at Macworld | iWorld 2012 was Art Authority for iPad. Jim Teece of Art Authority reviews the impressive credentials of their app that gathers together the world's great art works before giving us a tour. Explaining how Art Authority not only lets the user...

MacVoices #1268: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – FavorIT Identifies Great Apps With A Little Help From Your Friends
In the Mobile App Showcase at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Doug Jeffrey and Jake Simon of 2x6 Apps explain how, with their app FavorIt, you can use your Facebook friends and their choices to help you find some of the best apps in an increasingly crowded App Store. FavorIt...

MacVoices #1267: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Sort Shots Helps Organize Your iPad’s Photos with Two Apps
A new exhibitor to Macworld | iWorld 2012 was Sort Shots. Creator Christa Taylor explains how Sort Shots for iPad helps you organize and arrange your photo library via key words, orientation, star ratings and more. For those who prefer the folder metaphor, Christa's...

MacVoices #1266: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – TourWrist Creates and Views Amazing Panoramas on your iDevice
Delivering an easy, intuitive method of creating panoramas with the camera in your iPhone or iPad, TourWrist was a hot topic at Macworld | iWorld 2012. TourWrist CEO Charles Armstrong talks about how easy it is to create and share the world around you in a 360-degree...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #1258: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – NRGship Lets Your Mac Manage Your UPS Shipping
Did you know that UPS doesn't offer Mac software to customers? We didn't either. At Macworld | iWorld 2012, Chris Larson of NRG Software reviews the capabilities, including direct interface with UPS and a Safari extension that enhances usability, of NRG Ship, their...
MacVoices #1256: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Boinx Software Takes iStopMotion to the iPad
At Macworld | iWorld 2012, Florian Albrecht of Boinx Software shows us how easy it is to work with the new iStopMotion for iPad. iStopMotion is great on the Mac, but is even more accessible on the iPad because of both the interface and the built-in camera. Even...
MacVoices #1255: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – iKeyboard Adds A Touch-Typing Surface to Your iPad
In the iKeyboard booth at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Erin Vogel and Lindsey MacDougall show off the iKeyboard, a plastic overlay for the iPad keyboard that helps the touch typist work with the iPad's virtual keyboard. Erin and Lindsey show how it goes on easy and comes...
MacVoices #1254: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – The New Doxie Go Lets You Scan Wirelessly
From the show floor at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Joey Coleman of Apparent put the new Doxie Go through its paces, with and without cables. Just run your photo, document, business card or whatever through the Doxie Go, and it will hold the image until you get around to...
MacVoices #1252: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – TextSoap Cleans Your Text For You
The Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012 was where we found Mark Munz of Unmarked Software. Mark was showing TextSoap, a clipboard content utility that lets you the text from documents, web pages and more. Sounds simple, but it is something that can be surprisingly...
MacVoices #1251: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Mailplane and Replies Make Your Email Experience Better
In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Reubin Bakker of uncomplex acknowledges their unique way of letting Mailplane users know they were going to be exhibiting at the show, then gets down to what MailPlane offers to those frustrated with their current way of...
MacVoices #1250: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – MoneyWorks Delivers Secure Cross-Platform Accounting
In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Feda Karkour of Cognito Software explains the benefits of MoneyWorks, their cross-platform accounting package that scales up as your company's needs change. MoneyWorks is a true double-entry system, assuring integrity of...
MacVoices #1249: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – LiveWorship Delivers Live Event Production Capabilities
In the Macworld | iWorld 2012 OS X Zone, Marty Ford of GeekJam demonstrates LiveWorship, a multimedia control application for managing live events such as worship services. Able to draw from collections of graphics, text and media assets on the fly, LiveWorship, can...
MacVoices #1248: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Miraizon Lets You Extract DVD Clips and Convert Video Formats
In the OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, David Salaman of Miraizon discusses his company's products, including Reframe, a video converter that converts from pretty much any format to any other format, and Cinematizer, a utility that allows you to extract clips from...
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