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Women in the Macintosh User Group community are discussed by two of our guests, as well as lots of User Group University and Macworld Expo news and event information, vendor deals, and a busy MUG Event Calendar.
Nyx Wolfwalker of Macintosh Sisters talks about why a Macintosh User Group directed at women is needed in today’s environment, what they offer, how they protect an environment that fosters women in technology, and why it is necessary to do so.
Dawn D’Angelillo of Small Dog gives us a comprehensive look at one of the most innovative Apple Specialists around; why their image has gone to the dogs (literally), what services they offer, and why they are a Gold Sponsor of User Group University (in spite of the fact that they won’t be on-site.)
Sandy Foderick of the of the Macworld/User Group University Planning Team, and the Volunteer Coordinator for all of the MUG events at Macworld Conference & Expo outlines all the good reasons that MUG members and leaders should be part of those events, and tells you how to volunteer.
David Roemer of the Macworld/User Group University Planning Team runs down the special MUG events at Macworld Conference & Expo that are either geared specifically to students, or that students are taking part in, and how any students coming to San Francisco can get involved.