User Group Report #526: Adam and Tonya Engst of TidBITS, Scott Knaster on the Ad-Hoc/MacHack Conference and Mac News Braintrust with Bryan Chaffin of The Mac Observer

Aug 9, 2005 | User Group Report

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Our bonus-length show this week includes a visit from two of the most informed and influential people in the Mac industry, a report on what may be the last Ad-Hoc/MacHack Conference, and commentary on the most recent Mac headlines by a member of our Mac News Braintrust.

Adam Engst
Tonya Engst

Adam and Tony Engst of TidBITS talk about Macworld Boston, podcasting (and Tonya adds two new terms to the lexicon), the evolution of Macintosh computing and more in this week’s feature-length interview.

Bryan Chaffin

Bryan Chaffin of The Mac Observer is this week’s Mac News Braintrust guest, and discusses Mighty Mouse, the iTunes Music Store’s opening in Japan and other timely topics from the Mac headlines.

Scott Knaster

Scott Knaster, the author of Hacking Mac OS X Tiger is back to give us his take on the recent Ad-Hoc/MacHack Conference. Scott explains why this conference is different than any other, describes some of the cool hacks, and talks about the future (or lack thereof) for Ad-Hoc/MacHack.


Apple’s Mighty Mouse
The Mac Observer’s Geek Gab