In the first of a special two-part MacNotables discussion, Adam Engst of TidBITS and Take Control reveals his interest in the Apple TV and what the future might hold for Apple’s set-top device. Adam then turns his attention to the newly announced 8-Core Mac Pro, discussing what is surprising in the architecture of the new top-of-the-line Macs and what tasks are best suited for all that processing power. Another major announcement was the release of Google Desktop for Mac, and Adam explains why it may fill in the gaps left in Apple’s Spotlight.
MacNotables #717: Ted Landau Goes In-Depth on the Apple TV
MacNotables #718: Bob LeVitus’ First Impressions of the Apple TV and iPod Accessory Recommendations
MacNotables #720: Dan Frakes Operates on the Apple TV
History Hound by St. Clair Software
browseback by Smile on my Mac