MacVoices #10131: Julio Ojeda-Zapata On Why The iPad Means Business

Dec 13, 2010 | Author, Business, Hardware, iPad, Software, Web | 0 comments

Julio Ojeda-Zapata

St. Paul Pioneer Press tech columnist Julio Ojeda-Zapata is the author of the new iPad Means Business. Even though perceived as a media device, more and more business people are adopting the iPad as a way to get things done. Julio talks about the diverse business disciplines where the iPad is playing, and how it is being used for everything from information storage to cash register. While there are, literally, hundreds of thousands of apps available for the iPad, Julio highlights some of those that kept appearing on the lists of people who have adopted the iPad for business.

The video edition of this interview is available on MacVoicesTV #1064


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