MacVoices #15072: Jeff Carlson Gives A Crash Course on Apple Watch

Mar 16, 2015 | Apple Watch, Audio/Music, Commentary, Hardware, iOS, iPhone, Productivity, Software, Take Control

Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson  and Take Control Books have published Apple Watch: A Take Control Crash Course, an ebook to help you learn about Apple Watch now, and find out more once it becomes available. Jeff explains why they chose the new Crash Course format for this book, what is in this pre-Apple Watch release version, and what you can expect to find once he has an opportunity to work with his very own watch. The discussion goes deeper than that, though. Jeff and host Chuck Joiner  get into discussions of style vs. function, whether Apple Watch is a computer or not, and much more.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Author and photographer Jeff Carlson (@jeffcarlson, is a columnist for the Seattle Times, a senior editor at TidBITS (, and writes for publications such as  Macworld  and  Photographic Elements Techniques. He is the author of  The Connected Apple Family,  The iPad for Photographers, Third Edition,  iPad & iPhone Video: Film, Edit, and Share the Apple Way, and  Take Control of Your Digital Photos on the Mac, among many other books. He believes there’s never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory.    

Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson