James Lee of Tropical Software shows off both the basics and the latest enhancements to their note-taking solution, TopXNotes. What’s new is that it isn’t just for the Mac any longer. TopXNotes lets you keep up with your notes on the iPhone and iPod touch, and soon will be native on the iPad. Jim describes their “cloudless sync” option, and why they opted for that method, issues you need to be aware of with any sync solution, and why the note application space is so varied.
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TopXNotes in the iTunes App Store
Until September 30, take 20% off TopXNotes for the Mac on the Tropical Software web site by using the discount code “MacVoicesTV2010”
If you listen to this interview contact Tropical Software, Inc.
>> (imbed this link: http://www.tropic4.com/support/index.html#contact )
>> for a coupon code for a discount on TopXNotes.